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picture1_Geometry Pdf 168470 | 411 Item Download 2023-01-25 13-40-04

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File: Geometry Pdf 168470 | 411 Item Download 2023-01-25 13-40-04
rend sem mat univ poi torino voi 50 4 1992 differential geometry f tricerri locally homogeneous riemannian manifolds abstract a riemannian manifold is locally homogeneous if the pseudogroup of the ...

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...Rend sem mat univ poi torino voi differential geometry f tricerri locally homogeneous riemannian manifolds abstract a manifold is if the pseudogroup of locai isometries acts transitively on it complete isometric to globally space this not longer true we drops completeness assumption aim present paper discuss phenomenon in some detail introduction m g addition then its universal covering therefore h endowed with invariant metric no drop fact sudi case tliere exist which are aiiy spaces see and our approach developping as follows start by recalling that myg only there exists linear connection v parallel torsion curvature tensor fields say parallelism or an ambrose singer each kind possible attach algebraic object so called infinitesimal model conversely corresponds uniquely defined up section nomizu construction associates lie algebra together r reductive decomposition isa subalgebra q c regular connected subgroup simply group whose closed such suitable gr converse also holds will be pro...

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