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picture1_Congruent Triangles Pdf 168199 | 1312 Day9 Sect1

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File: Congruent Triangles Pdf 168199 | 1312 Day9 Sect1
math 1312 section 3 1 congruent triangles definition if the six parts of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding six parts of another triangle then the triangles are congruent ...

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...Math section congruent triangles definition if the six parts of one triangle are to corresponding another then in other words that have same size and shape they exact duplicates each such can be moved on top so their line up exactly a correspondence between two you must match angles sides with angle side measure order which letters written matters since it shows example above stated as abc jkl b c j k l segments ab jk bc kl ac jl may more than way cab ljk is def e d de ef f ca fd principle cpctc sss three second all abd made by common vertex included sas asa aas non...

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