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picture1_Geometry Pdf 168175 | Nitin Nitsure Vv2022 Poster

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File: Geometry Pdf 168175 | Nitin Nitsure Vv2022 Poster
euclidean geometry revisited prof nitin nitsure nitin nitsure has been a faculty member at tifr mumbai he has made highly significant contributions to moduli problems in algebraic geometry which are ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Euclidean geometry revisited prof nitin nitsure has been a faculty member at tifr mumbai he made highly significant contributions to moduli problems in algebraic which are internationally recognized was awarded the ictp prize is fellow of insaandalsoofindian academyofsciences an geometer but wide interests spanning physics computer science and biology well as speaker given large number public talks on variety subjects additionto numerous regularlecture courses july pm ag play that enacted stage space this age old subject fascination mathematicians whole lot ancient modern mathematics came out it talk we will look again light mathematical concepts andtechniquesfromthelasthundredyears school tata institute fundamental research homi bhabha road colaba navy nagar phone email vvmath math res web...

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