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picture1_Geometric Constructions Pdf 168134 | Group Project

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File: Geometric Constructions Pdf 168134 | Group Project
linear geometric constructions andrewchapple maxalanvickers mineshaestell andhollitatum abstract we will discuss and give examples of two ways to cre ate geometric constructions and the tools needed to produce these constructions ...

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...Linear geometric constructions andrewchapple maxalanvickers mineshaestell andhollitatum abstract we will discuss and give examples of two ways to cre ate the tools needed produce these one way uses a straightedge compass while other with notches wise known as neusis construction also those numbersthatareconstructibleusingthesetwowaysandthosethat cannot currently construct introduction is lengths angles gures using only ancient greeks usage phrase similar modern mathematicians show things exist there are types geomet ric that can be constructed some famous mathe maticians who made great strives in include plato euclid pythagoras thales acknowledgments would like thank our graduate mentor laura rider for her help on project professor smolinsky teach ing class davidson al lowing us participate this program straight edge assume distinct points constructible call them o origin line through given b canconstructaconstructible circle center either or radius ab denition point if it intersection...

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