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picture1_Geometry Pdf 167222 | Hendricks Article New Philosophy July December 2009

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File: Geometry Pdf 167222 | Hendricks Article New Philosophy July December 2009
sacred geometry sacred geometry steve hendricks or most of the history of mankind beauty was not in the eye of the fbeholder for the craftsmen and artists who built the ...

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...Sacred geometry steve hendricks or most of the history mankind beauty was not in eye fbeholder for craftsmen and artists who built first gothic cathedrals their work wood stone made so permanent could shine through into world transient they were known as masters compass rather than architects this saying a medieval mason s guild reveals source point that goes circle inscribed square triangle if you find possess it are freed from care danger herein have whole art do understand all is vain science which without god no one possesses guilds established trades teaching preserving protecting knowledge informed necessary keynote address at inauguration ceremonies dr christopher clark president bryn athyn college pennsylvania september our company very pleased honored when asked to provide design entryway brickman center we grateful be here today welcome i am an expert subject contemplative taken few classes workshops architectural proportion over period years fortunate teachers approach these...

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