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picture1_Congruent Triangles Pdf 167058 | Merged Document1

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File: Congruent Triangles Pdf 167058 | Merged Document1
name class date 4 1 practice form g congruent figures each pair of polygons is congruent find the measures of the numbered angles 1 2 s t 3 a f ...

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...Name class date practice form g congruent figures each pair of polygons is find the measures numbered angles s t a f gh ab mn l i c r p w u b k j ed q v d e yx ml kcatokjsd list following three pairs sides caojs atosd ctojd lcolj laols ltold wxyzojklm four x m wzojm wxojk xyokl zyoml z lwolj lxolk lyoll lzolm y for exercises and can you conclude that triangles are justify your answers nghj nihj yes lghj olihj nqrs ntvs no lqsr oltsv by third thm because vert re prop jh o therefore kghjokihj lqrsoltvs h def but none necessarily developing proof use information given in diagram lm give reason statement true n lnm qnp qp ln qn pn pq nlnm nqnp ofotriangles prentice hall gold geometry teaching resources copyright pearson education inc or its affiliates all rights reserved continued fi gures aefd ebcf may nfgh njkh vary sample ld does not have to lfolj be right angle lgok alt int dfc lfhgoljhk so algebra values variables corresp parts abcd fghj lengths cd hj ad fj lmnp qrst value bd bisector...

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