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picture1_Geometry Pdf 166765 | Math 389 Geom Syllabus Sp17

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File: Geometry Pdf 166765 | Math 389 Geom Syllabus Sp17
mayville state university math 389 modern geometry spring 2017 instructor mr fred strand office cb108b hours of availability 9 00am or by appointment work phone 788 4684 cell phone 701 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Mayville state university math modern geometry spring instructor mr fred strand office cbb hours of availability am or by appointment work phone cell campus email address mayvillestate edu th class schedule pm m w f final test tuesday may credit three semester course description a study k and undergraduate topics polygons platonic solids tessellations transformations congruent triangles axiomatic euclidean finite geometries fractals projective non the includes integration effective research based teaching strategies to use model mathematical ideas methods for proofs pre requisite equivalent purpose students will learn about review breadth knowledge that entails today fulfills core requirement mathematics education majors minors it is designed prepare in who be elementary secondary teachers as well those pursue further from an view commonly taught high schools which deals with dimensional structures objectives able identify various types geometric shapes their algebraic equations whethe...

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