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picture1_Geometry Pdf 166691 | Xum 2002 Ieee Trans Med Imaging 21 P814

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File: Geometry Pdf 166691 | Xum 2002 Ieee Trans Med Imaging 21 P814
814 ieee transactionsonmedicalimaging vol 21 no 7 july2002 time domain reconstruction for thermoacoustic tomography in a spherical geometry minghua xu and lihong v wang abstract reconstruction based microwave induced thermoa ...

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...Ieee transactionsonmedicalimaging vol no july time domain reconstruction for thermoacoustic tomography in a spherical geometry minghua xu and lihong v wang abstract based microwave induced thermoa the ultrasonic transducer is very sensitive detecting small coustic configuration presented vibrations from an object waves biological tissue samples excited key problem with this technique how to determine by pulses are measured wide band unfocused absorption distribution which set on surface enclosing data i e map inhomogeneity of one sample sufficient acquired different directions reconstruct exact approach use focused transducers localize solution derived approximated modified sources linear or sector scans then backprojection algorithm experiments demonstrate that construct images directly as often done reconstructed agree well original pulse echo ultrasonography alternative method spatial resolution system reaches mm point detectors acquire index terms date we have not seen inverse spec...

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