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picture1_Geometric Transformations Pdf 166505 | Lecture12 Imagewarping

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File: Geometric Transformations Pdf 166505 | Lecture12 Imagewarping
geometric transformations warping registration morphingmorphing yao wang polytechnic university brooklyn ny 11201 with contribution from zhu liu onur guleryuz and partly based on aa kk jjainain ffundamentalsundamentals ooff digitaldigital imageimage ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Geometric transformations warping registration morphingmorphing yao wang polytechnic university brooklyn ny with contribution from zhu liu onur guleryuz and partly based on aa kk jjainain ffundamentalsundamentals ooff digitaldigital imageimage processingprocessing lecture outline introduction deformationdeformation modelmodel image transformation el processing what is so far the operations wewe havehave discusseddiscussed mmodifyodify tthehe colorcolor valuesvalues of pixels in a given withwith geometricgeometric ttransformation ransformation modifymodify positions but keep their colors unchanged to create special effects register two images taken same scene at different times morph one another how define let u v represent coordinate an original x y deformed or warped we useuse functionfunction pairpair toto relaterelate correspondingcorresponding ppixelsixels iinn forward mapping xx yy uu vv inverse f denote g deformeddeformed iimage mage thenthen theythey areare rrelatedelated by...

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