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File: Geometry Pdf 166410 | 10358 Yat Sun Poon 52
surveys of modern mathematics volume iii application of elementary differential geometry to influence analysis yat sun poon wai yin poon international press www intlpress com higher education press surveys of ...

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...Surveys of modern mathematics volume iii application elementary differential geometry to influence analysis yat sun poon wai yin international press www intlpress com higher education department university california at riverside statistics the chinese hong kong subject classification a b j k copyright by somerville massachusetts u s and beijing china this work is published sold in exclusively all rights reserved individual readers publication non profit libraries acting for them are permitted make fair use material such as copy chapter teaching or research permission granted quote brief passages from reviews provided customary acknowledgement source given republication systematic copying mass reproduction any only under license excluded these provisions articles which author holds if notice will be with article cases requests reprint should addressed directly isbn printed united states america series editors shing tung yau jean pierre demailly harvard institut fourier cambridge labora...

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