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picture1_Geometry Pdf 166370 | The Role Of Sacred Geometry In Forming Islamic Art 1

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File: Geometry Pdf 166370 | The Role Of Sacred Geometry In Forming Islamic Art 1
the role of sacred geometry in forming islamic art assist prof dr hayam mahdy salama assistant professor department of industrial education faculty of education helwan university cairo egypt hayam m ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...The role of sacred geometry in forming islamic art assist prof dr hayam mahdy salama assistant professor department industrial education faculty helwan university cairo egypt m ahdy yahoo com research summary originator heavens and earth al baqarah everything we created is precisely measured qamar if anyone meditates verses universe creation he must see creativity god all gods creations as can find that completely arranged consistency ruled by certain laws measure this secret great scientists researched studied geometrical sequences arranging which arranges controls forms existence life starting from eye cornea dna molecules for humans flowers petals diamond crystals tree branches animals down to galaxies solar systems even chemical composition air a law science depends on deep understanding these universal aspects arrangements consists it including mathematical ratios used design nature because old civilizations religious architecture with special form aiming spiritual energy field co...

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