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picture1_Geometry Pdf 166349 | Hyperbolic

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File: Geometry Pdf 166349 | Hyperbolic
hyperbolic geometry 1 hyperbolic geometry johann bolyai karl gauss nicolai lobachevsky 1802 1860 1777 1855 1793 1856 note since the rst 28 postulates of euclid s elements do not use ...

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...Hyperbolic geometry johann bolyai karl gauss nicolai lobachevsky note since the rst postulates of euclid s elements do not use parallel postulate then these results will also be valid in our example non euclidean called recall that one unstated assumptions was lines are innite this case other version elliptic and so all propositions hold there for sum angles a triangle is always more than two right together can greater contradicting proposition we now start adding new which call theorems but number them by prex h lead into considering saccheri quadrilateral ab base cd summit ad bc arms equal length c d have already stated following result oer proof theoremh thesummitanglesofasaccheriquadrilateralareequal triangles abc bad congruent ac bd adc bcd therefore angle equals theorem theline joining midpoints perpendicular to each lie on having common letpointse andf bethemidpointsofab andcd respectively dea cba side sode ce sotrianglescef anddef hence soline ef cdareparallel does exceed or su...

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