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picture1_Problem Solving 101 Pdf 165945 | Symba Icbcs

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File: Problem Solving 101 Pdf 165945 | Symba Icbcs
mba c 101 management organizational behavior course aim through reading the text references and discussion of cases students should be able to understand the fundamentals underlying the management of an ...

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...Mba c management organizational behavior course aim through reading the text references and discussion of cases students should be able to understand fundamentals underlying an organization learning outcome learn history contributions important researchers they relevance environmental scanning planning how take decisions can delegate authority use power influence people get work done proper communication control unit i theories classical scientific administrative behavioral sciences systems contingency theory case force diversity ii problem solving decision making classify define set objectives generate creative innovative alternatives analysis select most feasible plan implement plans types steps involved in process iii organizing controlling principles design relation between functional controls iv individual group importance ob personality perception formation classification groups properties cohesiveness v leadership motivation structure politics maslows needs two factor mcgregors ...

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