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picture1_Leadership Pdf 165852 | Master Thesis Park Popescu

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File: Leadership Pdf 165852 | Master Thesis Park Popescu
e leadership for project managers virtual leadership and trust building for perceived project success master thesis within business administration authors alfred park luminita popescu tutor ethel brundin jonkoping may 2014 ...

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...E leadership for project managers virtual and trust building perceived success master thesis within business administration authors alfred park luminita popescu tutor ethel brundin jonkoping may acknowledgement with the following lines we would like to express our appreciation gratitude all people that contributed this first want particularly thank advisor prof her good advice constant insightful feedback patience guide us through struggles in achieving a hopefully successful end valuable comments made huge difference overall result second owe great thanks mats ragnarsson from wenell management ab not have been possible without his help of introducing participating study he also spent time giving suggestions useful insights into topic leaders found themselves available being interviewed enriched research their generous contribution additionally team members participation survey fellow students you your engagement constructive during seminars wish thriving future ahead last but least de...

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