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picture1_Leadership Pdf 165689 | Leadership & Personality Development

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File: Leadership Pdf 165689 | Leadership & Personality Development
leadership personality development course code msclp001 total session 45 hrs objective the object of this course is to make individuals competent to function effectively and manage and influence the employees ...

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...Leadership personality development course code msclp total session hrs objective the object of this is to make individuals competent function effectively and manage influence employees it assists in organizing synthesizing complex ideas into a tapestry words images also aid improving critical skill visioning process eventually aiding analyzing past understanding present exploring options craft clear future vision unit i introduction management sessions meaning definition functions manager difference between leader ii power authority distinctions bases iii basic types autocratic bureaucratic democratic transformational characteristics recognition motivating tips for leading staff iv conflict collaboration sources classification organizational approaches v emotional intelligence decision making quotient components skills develop importance an organization vi team building exercise case study participants recognize their abilities discussion based on audio visual aids explain further vii ...

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