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picture1_Leading Change John Kotter Pdf 165116 | Kotters Model

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File: Leading Change John Kotter Pdf 165116 | Kotters Model
john kotter s eight step change model john kotter 1996 a harvard business school professor and a renowned change expert in his book leading change introduced an 8 step model ...

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...John kotter s eight step change model a harvard business school professor and renowned expert in his book leading introduced an of which he developed on the basis research organizations were going through process steps include creating sense urgency forming powerful guiding coalitions developing vision strategy communicating removing obstacles empowering employees for action short term wins consolidating gains strengthening by anchoring culture can be explained with help illustration given below source adapted from this done following ways identifying highlighting potential threats repercussions might crop up future examining opportunities tapped effective interventions initiate honest dialogues discussions to make people think over prevalent issues give convincing reasons them request involvement support industry key stakeholders customers issue achieved leaders your also requesting their commitment towards entire form coalition who would working as team identify weak areas teams ensu...

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