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picture1_Leadership Pdf 164880 | Ijmet 09 07 139

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File: Leadership Pdf 164880 | Ijmet 09 07 139
international journal of mechanical engineering and technology ijmet volume 9 issue 7 july 2018 pp 1288 1299 article id ijmet 09 07 139 available online at http iaeme com home ...

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...International journal of mechanical engineering and technology ijmet volume issue july pp article id available online at http iaeme com home issn print publication scopus indexed innovation leadership in improving the quality education muhammad ubaidillah post graduate program state university malang city east java indonesia ali imron bambang budi wiyono arifin corresponding e mail muhammadubaidillah gmail abstract is an effort to make sustainable school improvements it can be done if there readiness change because itself when viewed from organization institution position principal very important effects implementation roles duties will affect all aspects organizational life that by principle changes made principals clearly have a systematic effect on schools so view how s role running as leader level main person who synchronize between individual with expectations future key words cite this introduction wave pace age globalization technological advancement are creating new marketing f...

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