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Isi Artikel 866529405900

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Penerapan langkah perubahan organisasi dari kotter s dalam rangka mengembangkan inovasi di pt pos indonesia untuk menjaga eksistensi dan daya saing pelayanan publik studi kasus kantor jakarta utara agung surya dwianto agungsurya pertiwi ac id stie pupung purnamasari abstract in the modern world innovation is a major challenge for any organization including public service provider organizations such as has been successful innovating new innovations on existing services have made by post express payment wesel instant pranko prisma etc where all more effective and efficient utilizing online network technology so that it can be accepted user community however proclaimed not able to answer organizational challenges faced especially because of products processes occur done with high commitment this case needs implement steps change from kotters expected increase qualification human resources order sustain competitiveness provide best servants keywords latar belakang setengah abad masa keemas...

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