File: Leadership Pdf 163909 | Situational Leadership
international journal of social sciences and management research vol 4 no 1 2018 issn 2545 5303 www iiardpub org situational leadership style in managing conflicts in an organization a case ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...International journal of social sciences and management research vol no issn www iiardpub org situational leadership style in managing conflicts an organization a case nigerian eagle flour mill oyelude o fadun t department business administration bowen university iwo christhanks yahoo com tiofatf gmail abstract conflict is endemic to all life it inevitable part living because related division functions power relations role differentiation cannot be avoided but possible manage by using approach the underpinning that there single best this asserts one should used given workplace study proposes if are managed effectively need implore use way may determine following productivity efficiency performance job contentment turnover etc thus overall aim examine contributions paper relies on primary data through survey questionnaire was distributed sample size respondent s selected convenience sampling technique collected were analyzed mean regression analysis findings from shows relevant as adopt...