File: Leadership Pdf 162935 | Admin Evaluation Rubric
standard 1 visionary leadership the educational leader has the knowledge ability and cultural competence to improve learning and achievement to ensure success of all students by facilitating the development articulation ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Standard visionary leadership the educational leader has knowledge ability and cultural competence to improve learning achievement ensure success of all students by facilitating development articulation implementation stewardship a school or district vision supported community csd developing basic accomplished distinguished standards collaboratively mission for majority staff characteristics qualities develops implements what understand s shared stands is not are highly evident fully developed throughout guide practices drive b collects uses data inconsistently accurately actively empowers identify goals assess others in use organizational strengths areas effectiveness improvement inform promote creation focused measureable decisions always driven as evidenced student c creates have little plans understanding communicated effectively achieve effective methods motivated activities them empowered implement well understood most implemented d continuous does develop processes sustainable i...