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picture1_Leadership Pdf 162932 | 9781107486393 Frontmatter

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File: Leadership Pdf 162932 | 9781107486393 Frontmatter
cambridge university press 978 1 107 48639 3 leading and managing health services gary e day sandra g leggat frontmatter more information leading and managing health services an australasian perspective ...

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...Cambridge university press leading and managing health services gary e day sandra g leggat frontmatter more information an australasian perspective provides a compre hensive overview of leadership management in with particular focus on the context this text aims to help students from broad range studies disciplines develop skills criti cally analyse issues they will face practical service settings book features contemporary approach learning line leads australia framework which focuses ve key attributes self engages systems achieves outcomes drives innovations shapes further it offers rich pedagogy both its companion website each chapter includes case provide examples healthcare as well re ective analysis questions extend student written by respected australian academics industry experts equip professions successfully manage change innovation is indispensable resource for ever changing comprehensive instructor resources including reading multiple choice short answer additional are avai...

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