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picture1_24960 Id Sistem Pencatatan Dan Pelaporan Terpadu Puskesmas Sp2tp Di Wilayah Dinas Kesehat | File - Laporan Puskesmas

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24960 Id Sistem Pencatatan Dan Pelaporan Terpadu Puskesmas Sp2tp Di Wilayah Dinas Kesehat | File - Laporan Puskesmas
pencatatan dan pelaporan terpadu puskesmas  sp2tp  di wilayah dinas kesehatan kabupaten dompu provinsi ntb nurul dwi suryani  solikhah fakultas kesehatan masyarakat  universitas ahmad dahlan yogyakarta absract background  ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 20 Jul 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Kesmas issn sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan terpadu puskesmas sptp di wilayah dinas kesehatan kabupaten dompu provinsi ntb nurul dwi suryani solikhah fakultas masyarakat universitas ahmad dahlan yogyakarta absract background is to meet the needs of administration at higher level in order develop determine policies and utilized by health centers improve efforts through planning mobilization execution monitoring control assessment based on results initial survey has not been maximal therefore it necessary study system integrated recording reporting area services regency methods this research a qualitative descriptive located all district data was collected interviews with subjects ten people board each center department indicated that still done manually focused disease patterns most diseases submitted report incomplete because there no coordination guiding book difficult transportation electrical disturb feedback given orally terms quality low proven completeness timeliness for delivery...

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