File: Leadership Pdf 162822 | Situational Leadership On Islamic Education
international journal of graduate of islamic education issn e 2721 8791 p 2721 8805 vol 1 no 1 2020 1 7 situational leadership on islamic education a b c d ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...International journal of graduate islamic education issn e p vol no situational leadership on a b c d oskar hutagaluh aslan purniadi putra abdul wahab syakhrani sri mulyono antasari uin banjarmasin dpk iais sambas oskarhutagaluh iaisambas ac id sultan muhammad syafiuddin institute aslanmarani yahoo com usupurniadi rasyidiyah khalidiyah amuntai high school aws kandangan gmail darul qur an tangerang srimulyono abstrak every human being should be leader both for himself and his family in reality not all can become who are leading the people they lead this swriting is going to describe leaders have style accordance with prevailing circumstances current rapid social change context explain paper reviewed various literatures national internation cotext therefore findings resaerch were intitution able adjust situation changes morever educational institution leads will compete general institutions that modernized using curriculum desired by government outside community keywords introduction bor...