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picture1_Leadership Pdf 162541 | Bednarikova Mrozkova Leadership Communication

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File: Leadership Pdf 162541 | Bednarikova Mrozkova Leadership Communication
introduction to leadership communication ivana mrozkova boena bednaikova recenzovali mgr silvie valkova ph d john rayment mba neopravnne uiti tohoto dila je porusenim autorskych prav a me zakladat obanskopravni spravnpravni ...

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...Introduction to leadership communication ivana mrozkova boena bednaikova recenzovali mgr silvie valkova ph d john rayment mba neopravnne uiti tohoto dila je porusenim autorskych prav a me zakladat obanskopravni spravnpravni pop trestnpravni odpovdnost univerzita palackeho v olomouci vydani isbn contents preface definition leaders vs managers followership and styles transformational charismatic charisma what is the process encoding decoding message ambiguity of language channels selecting appropriate case study e mails diversity intercultural gender power types empowerment public discourse analysis persuasive techniques political rhetoric media presentations stages presentation preparation organization practice delivery assessment in groups teams fundamentals group interaction meetings negotiations conclusion references register summary...

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