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File: 1360 Item Download 2023-01-22 02-57-02
biology 1360 nature the environment and ecology course syllabus instructor john placyk ph d associate professor of biology office hpr 110 office phone 903 566 7147 office hours t r ...

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...Biology nature the environment and ecology course syllabus instructor john placyk ph d associate professor of office hpr phone hours t r pm by appointment e mail jplacyk uttyler edu meeting time place tuesday thursday am in required materials essential science behind stories withgott laposata fifth edition pearson description this fulfills stem core requirement offering students a broad overview field environmental studies emphasizes local regional global concerns welcomes from all areas satisfies curriculum student learning objectives upon completion biol should be able to describe diagnose illustrate major pressures on articulate concept sustainability define ecosystems evaluate how living nonliving entities interact ecosystem level explain process natural selection cite evidence for perceive potential impacts invasive species communities offer solutions biological invasions policy assess its societal context scope human population growth challenges feeding growing primary causes bio...

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