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File: Corporate Governance Pdf 162224 | 10 22495 Cocv9i2c3art4
corporate ownership control volume 9 issue 2 2012 continued 3 ownership and board structures to ensuring effective corporate governance through ownership and board control systems monia castellini otuo serebour agyemang ...

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...Corporate ownership control volume issue continued and board structures to ensuring effective governance through systems monia castellini otuo serebour agyemang abstract in order promote accountability probity transparency corporations must indulge good practices this paper reviews extant literature on construct a framework that links mechanisms thereafter develops testable propositions it also indicates ways which the various variables can be measured principal recommendation is since most of cannot quantitatively recommends investigators adhere qualitative research approach keywords jel classification m corresponding author department economics management university ferrara italy tel email unife otuoserebou student although work two authors sections are ascribable o s introduction capital providers encouraged invest with hope they entering into venture an application set credible company will safeguard their powerful micro policy instruments or investments end reward them appropriate...

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