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picture1_Companies Act Pdf 162184 | Section212

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File: Companies Act Pdf 162184 | Section212
ninety sixth annual report 2002 03 statement pursuant to section 212 of the companies act 1956 related to subsidiary companies name of the subsidiary tata the tata kalimati tata korf ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Ninety sixth annual report statement pursuant to section of the companies act related subsidiary name tata kalimati korf stewarts tm international refractories pigments investment engineering incorporated lloyds logistics limited company services india financial year ended on st march shares held by above date a number b d face value ordinary equity us rs each extent holding nil net aggregate amount profits losses for so far as they concern members dealt with in accounts lakhs not e previous years since it became and are subsidiaries respectively combined holdings its two aforesaid nominal share capital is virtue provisions ii read c amounts shown under represent attributable direct martrade ltd were subscribed during converted at average rate exchange f figures italics respect behalf board ratan n chairman j bham muthuraman mumbai th may...

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