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picture1_Companies Act 2013 Pdf 162173 | Com  H   Sem Ii  Sec E Directors  Dr Anil Kumar

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File: Companies Act 2013 Pdf 162173 | Com H Sem Ii Sec E Directors Dr Anil Kumar
directors and key managerial personnel dr anil kumar srcc important notes copy right dr anil kumar study material only for reading copying printing or photocopying is strictly prohibited meaning types ...

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...Directors and key managerial personnel dr anil kumar srcc important notes copy right study material only for reading copying printing or photocopying is strictly prohibited meaning types legal position disqualification of director identity number appointment removal powers duties meeting board are the persons appointed to direct supervise affairs a company as per section companies act means states that every shall have consisting individuals minimum in case public private one person b maximum may appoint more than after passing special resolution c such class classes be prescribed at least woman d who has stayed india total period not less days previous calendar year e listed third independent central government prescribe any duly by manage their sometimes described agents trustees managing partners but each these exhaustive responsibilities indicating useful points view from which they moment particular purpose considered so different follows viewed conduct its business cannot itself ...

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