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picture1_Companies Act 2013 Pdf 162171 | Notes 15 16

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File: Companies Act 2013 Pdf 162171 | Notes 15 16
southern magnesium and chemicals limited notice th notice is hereby given that the 30 annual general meeting of the members of southern magnesium and th chemicals limited will be held ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Southern magnesium and chemicals limited notice th is hereby given that the annual general meeting of members will be held on thursday august at a m hotel i k london residency kapadia lane somajiguda hyderabad to transact following business ordinary receive consider adopt audited balance sheet as march profit loss account cash flow statement for year ended date together with schedules notes attached thereto along reports auditors directors thereon ratify appointment statutory if thought fit pass or without modification s resolution an resolved pursuant section other applicable provisions any companies act rules made thereunder amended from time being in force rao co chartered accountants firm registration no company hold office conclusion this st till ratified remuneration may mutually agreed special re appoint mr ravi prasad nuthakki managing director chief executive officer ceo schedule v read relevant there under recommendations received nomination committee consent accorded din who...

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