File: Corporate Governance Pdf 162132 | 357966632010
Revista Cientifica "Vision de Futuro" ISSN: 1669-7634 ISSN: 1668-8708 Universidad Nacional de Misiones Argentina THE CONCEPT OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Garzon Castrillon, Manuel Alfonso ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Revista cientifica vision de futuro issn revistacientifica fce unam edu ar universidad nacional misiones argentina the concept of corporate governance garzon castrillon manuel alfonso vol num disponible en https www redalyc org articulo oa id doi j visiondefuturo r facultad ciencias economicas esta obra bajo una licencia creative commons atribucion nocomercial internacional pdf generado a partir xml jatsr por proyecto academico sin fines lucro desarrollado la iniciativa acceso abierto julio diciembre fundacion para investigacion y el desarrollo educativo empresarial colombia manuelalfonsogarzon dee recepcion aprobacion marzo abstract is article aimed to identify dierent concepts in this sense rst section presents review literature based on methodi ordinatio relation cg followed by revision theories from which it studied eory agency shareholder or stockholder theory resource dependency stakeholder stewardship management approach knowledge and performance company nally conclusion study s...