File: Companies Act Pdf 162080 | Companies And Allied Matters Act
companies and allied matters act chapter 59 laws of the federal republic of nigeria 1990 contents part a companies part i corporate affairs commission part ii incorporation of companies and ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Companies and allied matters act chapter laws of the federal republic nigeria contents part a i corporate affairs commission ii incorporation incidental iii acts by or on behalf company iv membership v share capital vi shares vii debentures viii meetings proceedings ix directors secretaries x protection minorities against illegal oppressive conduct xi financial statement audit xii annual returns xiii dividends profits xiv receivers managers xv winding up xvi arrangements compromise xvii dealings in securities entire section has been repealed d investments decree no xviii miscellaneous supplemental b business names c incorporated trustees short title schedules nd january an to establish provide for registration certain communities bodies associations there is hereby established under this body be known as referred shall with perpetual succession common seal capable suing being sued its name acquiring holding disposing any property movable immovable purpose carrying out functions headqua...