corporate social responsibility report on corporate social responsibility pursuant to section 135 2 of companies act 2013 has been presented in a separate section forming part of the board s ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Corporate social responsibility report on pursuant to section of companies act has been presented in a separate forming part the board s annexure v csr activities brief outline policy company ecl adopted and implemented cil which is consonance with amendment rules dpe guidelines vide f no gm dated st october effective from also adhered our initiatives integrated business processes by extending primarily focusing underprivileged marginalised project affected people paps staying around operational areas as per provision under fund should be utilised within radius km hq area remaining would spent state operation it ensured that poor needy society derives maximum benefit support their development sustainability composition committee during year sl name member designation meeting held meetings respective tenure attended shri shiv tapasya paswan chairman members sanjiv soni n tiwari nil animesh bharti pravin kant k ganeriwala smt dharmshila gupta narayan pandey web link where projects approv...