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picture1_Companies Act Pdf 161891 | Dcc Plc Memorandum And Articles Of Association 4 2 21

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File: Companies Act Pdf 161891 | Dcc Plc Memorandum And Articles Of Association 4 2 21
constitution of dcc public limited company as amended by all resolutions up to and including 4 february 2021 companies act 2014 company limited by shares memorandum of association of dcc ...

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...Constitution of dcc public limited company as amended by all resolutions up to and including february companies act shares memorandum association july the name is be a registered under part objects for which established are carry on business an investment that purpose acquire hold either in or any nominee stocks debentures debenture bonds notes obligations securities issued guaranteed wherever incorporated carrying stock government sovereign ruler body authority supreme dependent municipal local otherwise world b invest capital other moneys purchase upon security bills mortgages kind corporation undertaking whatever nature wheresoever constituted state dominion colony commissioners trust whatsoever situated c sell realise vary transpose investments property time being may deemed expedient so nothing contained paragraphs this clause shall authorise deal appreciations surpluses realised derived from sale realisation payment off variation transposition realisations assets applied purposes...

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