File: Companies Act Pdf 161886 | Annex A Companies Act
annex a companies act 2006 schedule of company offences section offence mode of trial derivation penalties part 3 a company s constitution 26 3 company and every summary level 3 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Annex a companies act schedule of company offences section offence mode trial derivation penalties part s constitution and every summary level fine ca officer in default failing to send registrar copy amended articles forward resolutions or agreements affecting give notice changes made by court order with common seal have name engraved on amending its so that it ceases be exempt from requirement limited title change secretary state direction has at the end only case similarity existing following provision misleading information etc grounds is as activities application cancel resolution re list public private such new registered deliver statement capital keep members their particulars place where register kept having more than index available for inspection refusing allow person inspect names making providing provide inspecting details amendments single member sa comply containing one sche pt ii para location overseas branch...