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picture1_Corporate Governance Pdf 161834 | Bni Corporate Governance Book Eng

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File: Corporate Governance Pdf 161834 | Bni Corporate Governance Book Eng
attachment to the joint decision letter of the board of commissioners the board of directors kep 001 dk skb no dated january 3 2001 kp 001 dir corporate governance handbook ...

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...Attachment to the joint decision letter of board commissioners directors kep dk skb no dated january kp dir corporate governance handbook chapter i introduction and basic principles company in social context definition is a process structure cultures employed direct manage s business interests order improve welfare accountability with ultimate goal creating values shareholders long run at same time observing other stakeholders has an important role society state carrying out its function as one pillars economy country shall have power ensure term existence must seek balance between interest that two will not be conflicting each positive performance main factor ensures continuity enhances halaman economic value efforts create superior take various forms risks respect these work within framework law ethics which operates also internal code conduct implementation ability per formance increase share holders compliance disciplined manner management high held responsible for making sure all ...

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