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picture1_Companies Act Pdf 161798 | Constitution Template July Update

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File: Companies Act Pdf 161798 | Constitution Template July Update
the constitution template legal structures the companies act 2014 constitution template i a practical guide for board members of arts organisations 1 legal structures the arts council an chomhairle ealaion ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...The constitution template legal structures companies act i a practical guide for board members of arts organisations council an chomhairle ealaion merrion square cearnog mhuirfean t e info artscouncil ie dublin ireland baile atha cliath eire f www callsave introduction made number changes to company law which impact on form constitutional documents all detailed governance provisions are stated in some mandatory and others optional will apply whether or not they extent that does provide otherwise where existing limited by guarantee concerned only action required is change its name november substitute suffix ltd new clg their irish equivalents after date unless replaced pre memorandum articles association continue force but inconsistent with provision it can be seen this arrangement makes necessary clgs review decide should specifically wish adopt caveat guidance there no one size fits solution revision every organisation different imperative accurately reflect way operates most appropri...

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