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...Highlights of the companies act by nor azimah abdul aziz deputy ceo regulatory enforcement commission malaysia reforminitiative corporatelawreforminitiative year review clrc issued consultative papers s final report was aproposaltorepealthe in comprising companiesact recommendations on wide ranging aspects from incorporation to winding up theproposedcompaniesbillis theaicc established draftedbasedonthe yearreview and submitted its conductedbyclrc aicc bythe publicconsultationonthedraft worldbankreports companiesbillwasconductedin developments inrelated laws july capital market banking legislations copyrights reserved impacts ofthenewcompanies companymay adoptm a aa after introductionofmembers migrationtowardsno right formanagement par valueregime modernising thecompaniesact introduction dividends be distributedout profitsand is business only allowed if it meets solvency test abolishingthe maximumagefor malaysiadirectorship...