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picture1_Companies Act Pdf 161531 | B665d001 Fd4e 4561 86cd C01602b4b75f

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File: Companies Act Pdf 161531 | B665d001 Fd4e 4561 86cd C01602b4b75f
the company act 1956 the company act 1956 1 preamble 1 preamble the companies act 1956 bare act preamble act 1 of 1956 an act to consolidate and amend the ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...The company act preamble companies bare of an to consolidate and amend law relating certain other associations be it enacted by parliament in sixth year republic india as follows short title commencement extent this may called shall come into force on such date central government notification official gazette appoint that apply state nagaland subject modifications if any specify came vide s r o dated th march published extra pt ii sec p subs sch for sub section w e f first proviso omitted ins pdml evaluation copy visit http com word further definitions unless context otherwise requires alter alteration include making additions omissions articles means association a originally framed or altered from time pursuance previous including so far they regulations contained case table b schedule annexed no indian i banking has same meaning board directors relation body corporate corporation includes incorporated outside but book paper accounts deeds writings documents defined court with respect...

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