Corporate law and structures Exposing the roots of the problem by Rebecca Spencer CORPORATE WATCH 2004 Corporate Law and Structures 1 Researched and written by Rebecca ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Corporate law and structures exposing the roots of problem by rebecca spencer watch www corporporatewatch org uk researched written cartoons carol simpson zmag cover illustration stig design aki uhc collective thanks to helena paul dan bennett for inspiring project gretton everyone at platform assistance inspiration nick hildyard gary essex comments on draft companies house bodleian library helping with our inquiries printed post consumer recycled paper oxford greenprint magdalen road oxfordgreenprint co summary introduction non lawyers why is company important ordinary people how does a knowledge affect way we think about campaign corporations what corporation brief history where did come from modern develop they seem like good idea time part current who directors shareholders else legally owned its controlled have duty act in best interests investment are not permitted consider any other too human rights an artificial person do most things can terms business regularly make use legal ...