issued by site document control when printed uncontrolled copies must be disposed of after use unless required as a formal record controlled copies must be returned to the controlled copy ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Issued by site document control when printed uncontrolled copies must be disposed of after use unless required as a formal record controlled returned to the copy file cc no slm issue sellafield ltd manual effective date page corporate governance registered in england number contents section title introduction what is structure role sl board roles members executive committee formalities audit and assurance annual review effectiveness process owner responsibilities references amendment appendix matters reserved how sub committees operate purpose this provide guidance on limited s arrangements work practice it explains various documents such articles association scheme delegations company are each implemented licensed under nuclear installations act amended holder licence for i e slc legal entity responsible these sites which owned decommissioning authority nda through its directly accountable relevant regulators compliance with conditions environmental permits radioactive waste managemen...