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picture1_Ecosystem Project Pdf 161314 | Dpr Final

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File: Ecosystem Project Pdf 161314 | Dpr Final
u s army corps of engineers new england district malden river ecosystem restoration detailed project report environmental assessment june 2008 malden river ecosystem restoration detailed project report june 2008 executive ...

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...U s army corps of engineers new england district malden river ecosystem restoration detailed project report environmental assessment june executive summary the usace in partnership with mystic valley development commission mvdc developed this and to highest quality that it can reasonably support sustain is overriding goal for numerous components were evaluated as building blocks a comprehensive strategy designed restore these measures are directed towards three primary objectives wetlands aquatic habitat riverine migratory presents through plan formulation process recommended national ner maximizes benefits compared costs meets goals degraded where surface water underlying toxic sediments depress local fisheries benthic communities bordering lands consist predominately former tidelands bound by rail lines along each bank previously filled razed materials industrial wastes dredged material early their current condition riverbank frontage has little ecological resource value riparian riv...

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