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...Available online at http journal unila ac id index php tropicalsoil doi jts j trop soils vol no ecological diversity of soil fauna as ecosystem engineers in small holder cocoa plantation south konawe laode muhammad harjoni kilowasid tati suryati syamsudin franciscus xaverius susilo and endah sulistyawati department agrotechnology faculty agriculture haluoleo university kendari indonesia school life science technology institut teknologi bandung west java lampung bandar corresponding author lohardjoni yahoo co telp fax received march accepted may abstract taxa within functional groups can affected functioning such which influence decomposition nutrient cycling the objective this study is to describe variation theobroma cacao l sampling was conducted during one year period from five different ages removed core using hand sorting methods a total genera were found these studies thirty belong group formicidae ants three isoptera termites oligochaeta earthworms detected with simpson indices f...