supplement s1 of international principles and standards for the practice of ecological restoration second edition 2019 historical principles and concepts of ecological restoration and allied activities since the early 1980s ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Supplement s of international principles and standards for the practice ecological restoration second edition historical concepts allied activities since early e g bradshaw numerous publications have considered that set aspirational context or provide guidance recent proposed should be effective efficient engaging sustainable keenleyside et al suding these categories can used to organize ideas re establishes maintains social values maximizes beneficial outcomes while minimizing costs in time resources effort collaborates with partners stakeholders promotes participation enhances experience ensures technical ingredients are place achieve long term security restored sites four below as a structure longer list detailed derived from many documents relating over decades contributed substantially synthesis eight table development ser functioning global ecosystems ecosystem services they complements conservation clewell aronson cbd native through increasing integrity area resilient is terms q...