File: Ecology Pdf 160446 | Course Outline Biol 4700
department of biology course outline sc biol 4700 3 00 current topics in environmental biology winter 2021 course description a review of recent advances in environmental biology with an emphasis ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Department of biology course outline sc biol current topics in environmental winter description a review recent advances with an emphasis on research experimental design and biological methods this includes but is not limited to stressors population ecology community behavioural paleoecology genetics physiology aquatic terrestrial quantitative management three lecture hours per week one term credits prerequisites instructors contact information instructor dr sapna sharma office room lumbers building email yorku ca please set up appointment teaching assistant kyra fine kyrafine schedule mondays from pm thursdays am zoom meetings monday classes join meeting https us j pwd shrswxczentruobmmwtldztghazz id passcode thursday rglnuxlpahzizitoofzqwdjcduxqt find your local number u abxbqzdil evaluation written critique oral presentation comprehension test project paper the will be administered through eclass or crowdmark it open book collaboration th between students permitted there make schedu...