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picture1_Society Pdf 160428 | Week 5 Durkheim

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File: Society Pdf 160428 | Week 5 Durkheim
durkheim s professional goals i find a scientific basis for social order collective conscience emile durkheim ii use sociology to explain how society works division of labor iii establish sociology ...

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...Durkheim s professional goals i find a scientific basis for social order collective conscience emile ii use sociology to explain how society works division of labor iii establish as separate discipline from philosophy or psychology explained that people will not honor economic proposed contracts without is precondition trust solidarity at the mutual feeling moral obligation and subsequently based on he referred this precontractural what causes thinking today when one another there lack about physical force in workplace could be initially happens caused does employer do rather than employees employers look over did believe shoulder fire them cause have lower shared productivity create unions consciousness little commitment organization so mean by suggests multiple persons are focused it contact with same thing something outside yourself agreements develop depend precisely any person but which rituals result everyone participates together interactions some positive strengthen obligations...

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