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picture1_Society Pdf 160340 | Jcic2019 04 Dusanmarinkovic Foucaultandthebirthofthepolice

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File: Society Pdf 160340 | Jcic2019 04 Dusanmarinkovic Foucaultandthebirthofthepolice
revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo ljubljana 70 2019 4 352 363 foucault and the birth of the police 1 2 dusan marinkovi dusan risti in short life is the object ...

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...Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo ljubljana foucault and the birth of police dusan marinkovi risti short life is object society men as social beings individuals with all their relations are now true c this article addresses research meaning significance concept works michel although did not offer a theory or systematic history development we argue that s less part his archaeological project analytics discursive practices but more genealogical one foucauldian genealogy about network branched lines regulation paper our attempt to show how historical emergence seventeenth eighteenth century europe particularly france germany was significant modulation within two large dispositives power sovereignty discipline practice demonstrated regulatory knowledge gradually penetrated population emerged form pervaded new conception what later become permanent keywords udc m introduction science owe much english liberalism utilitarianism jeremy bentham thus he sciences have always been interest...

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