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picture1_Society Pdf 160223 | A5 1 Pdf2

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File: Society Pdf 160223 | A5 1 Pdf2
the gender division of labour this document is an excerpt from ilo international training centre module on gender poverty and employment the way work is divided between men and women ...

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...The gender division of labour this document is an excerpt from ilo international training centre module on poverty and employment way work divided between men women according to their roles usually referred as does not necessarily concern only paid but more generally tasks responsibilities that are assigned in daily lives which may turn also determine certain patterns market it often argued a result biological traits however if we notice some societies perform jobs other traditionally considered s vice versa see has much do with what each society perceives appropriate for both sexes most countries house chores like cleaning cooking washing clothes everything relates sustaining household fetching water fuel small scale agriculture self sustainment typically or girls even when they have job outside home hand technical dealing electrical mechanic equipment man well education heavily segregated along lines differences regions cultures generalizations about divisions force quite truthful do...

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