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picture1_Society Pdf 160136 | C 2 Item Download 2023-01-21 06-24-13

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File: Society Pdf 160136 | C 2 Item Download 2023-01-21 06-24-13
commentary 2 global media journal indian edition sponsored by the university of calcutta www caluniv ac in issn 2249 5835 summer issue june 2014 vol 5 no 1 new media ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Commentary global media journal indian edition sponsored by the university of calcutta www caluniv ac in issn summer issue june vol no new and information society current assessment futuristic landscape rakhichakraborty librarian east girls college kolkata email rakhi chakrabarty gmail com abstract has a close relationship with each other often guides appropriate predictions there have been many instances where went under some major changes strong involvement for good sake concept was born time when reprovisioned to deal digital accessibility multiplied several times rapid technological developments helped people catch up pace at which flowing across globe through generations as more innovations took place science technology became intelligent multiple channels catering need individual user are now living virtual shell made millions tiny from can tap anytime anywhere world things around us getting internet enabled thereby acting live node constantly exchanging that channel make life ea...

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