media culture society http mcs sagepub com credibility of media offerings in centrally controlled media systems a qualitative study based on the example of east germany michael meyen and katja ...
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...Media culture society http mcs sagepub com credibility of offerings in centrally controlled systems a qualitative study based on the example east germany michael meyen and katja schwer doi online version this article can be found at cgi content abstract published by www sagepublications additional services information for email alerts subscriptions reprints journalsreprints nav permissions co uk journalspermissions citations refs downloaded from carla cruz october munich university issue early s ithiel de sola pool tried to systematize effects cen trally supervised audiences analyzing letters addressed radio free europe liberty listeners throughout eastern he identified following consequences use countries governed authoritarian governments continuous retreat pri vacy declining political interest decreasing official according these findings citizens desire reliable made foreign programs become their primary source increased importance rumors within if assumptions are correct central co...