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File: Forest Resources Pdf 159472 | 1 7 71 754
question bank in social science history class ix term ii 4 forest society and colonialism concepts deforestation deforestation is cutting down of trees indiscriminately in a forest area under the ...

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...Question bank in social science history class ix term ii forest society and colonialism concepts deforestation is cutting down of trees indiscriminately a area under the colonial rule it became very systematic extensive why z as population increased over centuries demand for food went up peasants extended boundaries cultivation by clearing forests british encouraged production commercial crops like jute sugar wheat cotton their industries raw material thought that were unproductive land they yielded no revenue nor agricultural produce was viewed sign progress oak england disappearing there timber supply shipbuilding industry resources india used to make ships royal navy spread railways required two things be cleared lay railway tracks wood fuel locomotives line sleepers large areas natural tea coffee rubber plantations thus given planters at cheap rates forestry worried use local people reckless felling traders would destroy hence invited german expert dietrich brandis first brothers p...

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